Business management as the key to success

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Nelly Gioconda Panchi Castro
Nubia Elizabeth Casquete Baidal
José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco


The objective of the research is an approach to the key elements that can be defined so that a manager or the management of a company can make the right decisions when it comes to improving the position of an organization in the market. Innovation is essential to keep a company afloat, changing market trends and consumer preferences, force the constant study of the market and a deep internal review of companies, so that all in common are alienated in the common benefit of the organization. The research methodology is of the bibliographic review type, for which different bibliographic sources and electronic media were used to achieve this work. The most important conclusions infer that management departments must be clear in which direction they want to direct the company, and if they have the means and resources to achieve it. The internal knowledge of the company is focused on knowing what their weaknesses and strengths are and this is what will determine what resources are available to achieve the key to business success, understanding that success is to position a company in a better state which is in sales, production, quality control, among other aspects.


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How to Cite
Panchi Castro, N. G., Casquete Baidal, N. E., & Rivadeneira Pacheco, J. L. (2019). Business management as the key to success. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 1(2), 43-49. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Nelly Gioconda Panchi Castro, Investigador Independiente

Comunicador Social

Nubia Elizabeth Casquete Baidal, Universidad de Guayaquil

Universidad de Guayaquil

José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco, Colegio Alemán Humboldt

Colegio Alemán Humboldt


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