Epistemological analysis of the Solow model

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Betty Janeth Soledispa Cañarte
Nubia Elizabeth Casquete Baidal
Pedro Ufredo León Cedeño


Since the late eighties, economic growth has been considered as the main objective of governments worldwide to project their public policies in favor of society, which has been related to employment, investment, poverty reduction and improvement of social welfare, despite the fact that, in reality, the discourse is far from what the poor people live in day to day. The Solow model is a model that originates from the neoclassical school, published in 1956 by Robert Solow in the article “A contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth”, whose foundation lies in the growth of the capital stock, together with the growth population and accompanied by advances in technology, a model that in turn analyzes their influence on the level of production, under the assumptions of the neoclassical school (Morettini, 2009). The Solow model, despite being useful in explaining economic growth, presents its respective epistemological and methodological limitations. This model was successful at the time, but when opening the range of variables to consider, it does not enjoy intertemporal and interspatial validity, using microeconomic information to describe macroeconomic phenomena, as in the neoclassical assumptions, the variables are limited and said model is outdated before the expansion of knowledge, not picking up some transcendental aspects. The objective of this study is to explain the Solow model with their respective assumptions, present their respective limitations and the respective conclusions


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How to Cite
Soledispa Cañarte, B. J., Casquete Baidal, N. E., & León Cedeño, P. U. (2020). Epistemological analysis of the Solow model. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(4), 8-16. Retrieved from https://revista.estudioidea.org/ojs/index.php/eidea/article/view/18


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