Published: 2020-01-15

Differential equations and their application   In the economy

Marco Antonio Suriaga Sánchez, José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco, Hernán Patricio Delgado Solís


Epistemological analysis of the Solow model

Betty Janeth Soledispa Cañarte, Nubia Elizabeth Casquete Baidal, Pedro Ufredo León Cedeño


General analysis of the spss and its usefulness in statistics

José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco, Mariuxi Vanessa Barrera Argüello , Aminta Isabel De La Hoz Suárez


Organizational behavior and its role in business management

Pedro Alexander Avilés Almeida, Aminta Isabel De La Hoz Suárez, Eduardo Alfredo Bautista Quijije


Competition and impact of international trade in the markets of developing countries

Elita Luisa Rincón Castillo, Marco Antonio Suriaga Sánchez , Luis Humberto Barzola López
