Fast food. Most important aspects of the modern individual's menú

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Erick Enrique Benítez Díaz


In the last 70 years, three types of generations have emerged, where each one will have a different behavior towards food. This assumed from the point of view of the commitment with other obligations. That is, the more occupations the modern individual has, the less likely they are to prepare food, so they are faced with the realization of menus characterized by fast foods, where foods that can catalyze various pathologies in the individual predominate. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics of fast foods that feed the modern individual. The methodology used was based on a bibliographic design with a type of documentary research. The results were based on the characteristics and quality of fast foods, together with the relationship they have with health. In conclusion, generation X and millennials have generated more significant cultural changes thanks to the push of globalization itself; This has developed a modern individual who excels in the excessive consumption of working time, which considerably affects the diet; Hence, fast food has played a leading role and has become the favorite dishes of millions of individuals because they generate quick and easy foods, which have high calories from fats, carbohydrates and proteins, together with the quality and hygiene with which they They prepare generate a pump to the state of health of the organism, such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems, type II diabetes mellitus, among others; For this reason, it is feasible to continue with the consumption of fast foods, but following the nutritional guidelines established by the competent international entities, such as consuming less fat and carbohydrates and integrating fibers, vegetables and fruits into the fast food menus.


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How to Cite
Benítez Díaz , E. E. (2020). Fast food. Most important aspects of the modern individual’s menú. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(9), 36-50.


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