The use of social networks to promote the products and services of an PyME

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Simón Bolívar Parrales Escalante
Joe André Parrales Vidal


Small and Medium Enterprises (PyME) have been for several decades a fundamental engine for the economic and social development of many countries, with benefits for society, the local economy, providing productivity, competitiveness and jobs. Likewise, the evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) represents an environment of opportunities for SMEs since it allows them to participate in a more competitive field and this generates commercial development among other similar companies, thus combining advances technologies in the promotion and advertising of products, and the commercial relationship with consumers is strengthened through the use of social networks. This allows the formation of consumption habits, company-client relations, transforms the ways of communicating, attending to the needs of clients and thus improving the experience of commercial exchange, the purchase and sale of a product or service, the relationship with people from different places, but with the same interests, and the advertising system of the company, generating economic and commercial benefits in the short, medium or long term. Social networks allow users to communicate with brands, in this way they become transparent and with their interaction, consumers transform them, identify with their attributes, thus generating a specific role of the user with respect to the brand. The general objective of this research is to emphasize the benefits of social networks for promoting the products and services of small and medium-sized companies and their influence on the local economy.


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How to Cite
Parrales Escalante , S. B., & Parrales Vidal , J. A. (2021). The use of social networks to promote the products and services of an PyME. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(9), 1-12.


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