Economic models used during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Simón Bolívar Parrales Escalante
José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco
Rafael Emiliano Apolinario Quintana


The pandemic has dealt a severe blow to the international economy, the abrupt decrease in trade between countries, has generated a drop in the GDP of the countries, since there is no production, supply, and sale of goods and services, except the essential cases, but the latter are not enough to move the world economy. This situation complicates countries internally, because there may be an increase in unemployment, bankruptcy of companies, which undoubtedly puts financial pressure on governments. The research methodology is of a bibliographic review type. The general conclusions are that countries should make adjustments in fiscal and monetary policy to lessen the economic pressure. The IMF and OECD recommend, among other things, lower VAT, tax exemptions, lower taxes, extensions of income tax, among others.


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How to Cite
Parrales Escalante, S. B., Rivadeneira Pacheco, J. L., & Apolinario Quintana, R. E. (2020). Economic models used during the Covid-19 pandemic. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(5), 38-46. Retrieved from


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