General analysis of the spss and its usefulness in statistics

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José Luis Rivadeneira Pacheco
Mariuxi Vanessa Barrera Argüello
Aminta Isabel De La Hoz Suárez


Analyzing quantitative data is a challenge that comes from the 80s, within the field of educational research, at each of the levels it presents, even more so now that there is an abundance of information available for each of the institutions and themes that are wanted approach. Alsina (2017) considers the importance of Statistics within society, because before a highly technified community, the inhabitants must have useful tools to be able to know, represent and interpret reality under a critical thought, with the purpose of being able to change it or predict the behavior of a variable in the future. As indicated by López & Facheli (2015), there is a maelstrom of statistical programs, which allows you to perform tasks on different topics to record data, debug them, treatment of them, transformation of variables applying the necessary techniques for the processing of statistical calculations and Represent them graphically. This article will analyze the benefits of SPSS software, used for qualitative data analysis, being applied in almost all branches of Science, highlighting its usefulness, proper handling and easy understanding, having a wide variety of statistical issues oriented mostly to the social sciences, covering all the needs of the statistical calculation of researchers and professionals in the field to which it applies.


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How to Cite
Rivadeneira Pacheco, J. L., Barrera Argüello , M. V., & De La Hoz Suárez, A. I. (2020). General analysis of the spss and its usefulness in statistics. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(4), 17-25. Retrieved from


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