After sales service and customer service: loyalty strategies

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Erick Paul Murillo Delgado
Christian Arias Vásquez
Milton Felipe Proaño Castro


The services sector has been a fundamental factor in the development and growth of different countries for several decades, so that the customer is (or should be) the focal point of all decisions and actions of the service organization. And this is very well understood by companies, which develop marketing strategies to achieve customer loyalty oriented not only to maintain those they already have as exclusive and regular customers, but also to attract new customers and bring them to loyalty standards. The research methodology is a bibliographic review, using electronic means available on the web for the development of the objectives. As a general conclusion, it is confirmed the need of the company or commerce to generate studies and strategies aimed at knowing the tastes of customers, knowing what they think of the service offered by the company, correcting bad opinions if any, and adapting to the new tastes that the market generates either with its products or generating new ones.


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How to Cite
Murillo Delgado, E. P., Arias Vásquez, C., & Proaño Castro, M. F. (2019). After sales service and customer service: loyalty strategies. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 1(2), 27-34. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Erick Paul Murillo Delgado, Ingeniero en Acuicultura y Magíster en Administración de Empresas

Ingeniero en Acuicultura y Magíster en Administración de Empresas.  Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.

Christian Arias Vásquez, Comunicador Social

Director de Sucre TV – On Line

Milton Felipe Proaño Castro, Ingeniero Comercial y Magíster en Administración de Empresas

Ingeniero Comercial y Magíster en Administración de Empresas, Mención Sistemas de Información Empresarial. Universidad de Guayaquil


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