Is it important that management uphold the guiding principles?

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Xavier Enrique Soledispa Rodríguez
Deyton Darío Bedor Vargas


The challenges that companies and organizations must face today are incalculable. It is not enough just to do things well, it is necessary to be excellent in local, national and international managerial work. The growing organizational competitiveness and the phenomena of the globalization of the markets, at present demand, from the companies, increasingly efficient responses, with approaches in processes and strategies that depend on a work group directed by an efficient leader that allows them survive and grow in a world in continuous change, in which the client is increasingly demanding, with great possibilities for negotiation, and who, in the end, defines the success or failure of all the business gear that is activated with the planning of the principles of management in this case the principle of direction, its relationship with assertive leadership and the management of resources based on the needs of customers or to reduce the impact of an existing problem in the organization that sooner or later will impact the society. The general objective of this research is to present a relationship between the principle of direction and leadership for effective management through a theoretical review of various paradigms that allow to show that the balance of an organization depends largely on strategies and decision-making of committed people, with exceptional qualities, with ethics and values, capable of evolving whenever necessary.


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How to Cite
Soledispa Rodríguez , X. E., & Bedor Vargas , D. D. (2020). Is it important that management uphold the guiding principles?. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(7), 35-47. Retrieved from


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