The human resources department as an important asset in the development of a company

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Andrés Gustavo Loza Torres
Héctor Andrés Zambrano Noboa


Throughout the years, companies have understood that the staff that lives within it is a fundamental link for successful organizational development, because without the capacities, skills and knowledge present in the people who work in the company, they cannot It would be able to execute the inherent activities of the company to achieve its goals and generate economic profits. The general objective of this research is to evaluate the human resources department as an important asset for the development of a company. The methodology used uses documentary and bibliographic research. The results were based on the study of the operation of companies, the importance of the human resources department within companies, its functions and its influence on organizational development. As a conclusion, it can be determined that the human resources department is an important asset in the organizational development of a company since it is a fundamental part for companies to develop in the market, achieving their goals, meeting customer expectations and staying in line. time, but always in the pursuit of being the most successful organization against the rest of its competition. In the same way, this is given by a series of functions that the human resources department fulfills that allows the adequate functioning of the rest of the departments that make up the organization, achieving an adequate assembly of all the components of the company and thus ensuring that each function is successfully executed within the organization.


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How to Cite
Loza Torres , A. G., & Zambrano Noboa , H. A. (2020). The human resources department as an important asset in the development of a company. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(7), 1-12. Retrieved from


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