Marketing strategies for pandemics

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Byron Vicente León Cedeño
Jinsop Elías Gamboa Poveda
Elizabeth Marina Macías Chuto


It is not the first time that a pandemic has been declared in the world, many remember the so-called Spanish flu that struck the world in the second decade of the 20th century, however, at that time there were no commercial relationships that exist today in the absence of progress health matter. However, in early December 2019 a vira outbreak emerged in the province of Wuhan in China, which weeks later would be called Coronavirus (Covid -19) and in March 2020 it would be declared by the World Health Organization as a pandemic, that I reorder the world order by having billions of people to undergo quarantines to avoid contagion and this has caused many companies and commercial chains to declare bankruptcy, do work at home as well as school activities, and the loss of millions of jobs. The research methodology is of a bibliographic review type. Among the most important conclusion is that there are different strategies that companies and businesses can apply to maintain their operations and continue offering their services, such as: promotions and offers, constant monitoring of customers to be aware of changing tastes and preferences, among others.


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How to Cite
León Cedeño , B. V., Gamboa Poveda, J. E., & Macías Chuto , E. M. (2020). Marketing strategies for pandemics. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(6), 32-39. Retrieved from


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