E-learning and virtual offices during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Clemente Aladino Moreira Basurto
Washington Aurelio Hidalgo Hidalgo
Roberto Marcelo Martínez Hinojosa


The Covid 19 pandemic has triggered worldwide the implementation of strategies that help to do at home what is normally done in a work office and in a classroom, this as a consequence of quarantine and isolation, which has caused the closure of non-essential businesses and shops, universities, schools and high schools. The research methodology is of a bibliographic review type. The general conclusions reached in the research is that each country, based on its circumstances, has applied the best available strategies to avoid a collapse in its educational and production systems, encouraging work from home, either as education. remote or telework. However, up to the date of this research, there were no real world figures by region for the number of people who are doing work and homeschooling, more than anything they are estimates, the information has to be collected by country and then aggregated. Another conclusion is that there cannot be a job and distance education, if internet access is limited in the countries, if there are not enough mobile lines for every x number of people and of course the ability of people to acquire them.


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How to Cite
Moreira Basurto, C. A., Hidalgo Hidalgo, W. A., & Martínez Hinojosa, R. M. (2020). E-learning and virtual offices during the Covid-19 pandemic. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(5), 8-15. Retrieved from https://revista.estudioidea.org/ojs/index.php/eidea/article/view/24


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