La administracion en la nueva era digital

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Kléber Paul Muñoz Sánchez
Wendy del Rocío Toala Vera


The general objective of this research is to analyze how the administration faces in the new digital era, in a way that adapts to the current challenges and changes. The methodology used is based on a bibliographic design of a documentary type. Administration is a science that has existed since very remote times, and that through the years its processes have been adapting to the changes that have occurred, managing to fit in with them to give organizations performance and results. As a conclusion it is mentioned that at present the way of managing has undergone great changes, with a view to conquering the consumer or user, within these changes it is important to adapt to the new emerging technologies, which simplify, minimize and give fluidity and speed to processes. The administration, since its existence, has been moldable in the face of the different changes that have taken place in the behavior of the economy, however, obtaining good results depends on the way in which the organizations assume the situations presented, making use of the different administrative processes described in this text. In this new digital era, organizations must take into account the needs of the environment, for this they must require all members of the organization to go through these changes caused by globalization and information technology, since the adaptation of these changes will be key to achieve success.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Sánchez , K. P., & Toala Vera , W. del R. (2021). La administracion en la nueva era digital. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(12), 1-13.


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