Tourism development through photographic reports The empowering image

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Erick Enrique Benítez Díaz
Jannina Alexandra Montalván Espinoza


One of the most important characteristics of the evolution of man is to communicate his thoughts, ideas or opinions. There have been innumerable means to capture these circumstances. Photography has been a bulwark as a means of expression, which depends on the person who takes it and in turn depends on the interpretation of the individual who visualizes it, that is, it is an object loaded with subjectivity.In this sense, a connection can be related between photography and tourist environments. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to analyze the development of tourism through the photographic report. The methodology used was developed under a bibliographic design scheme with a type of documentary research. The results were based on the analysis of the importance of tourism in society and of photography as a tool to capture the attention of tourists. In conclusion, photography has been widely used, it has been used in various areas, one of them is tourism, so this activity and photography go hand in hand; It is an expression that seeks to reflect the person who takes it to keep a memory of the site they visited, but it is also used as a marketing tool to attract new tourists in those places, particularly, the latter is quite an important aspect, because it is the substance agglutinating of the groups of the groups of interest, as well as of the same internal structure of tourism; therefore, it is a bridge that can bring both parties, place and tourists, through various means of communication, always seeking to enjoy the presence of both together.


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Erick Enrique, & Montalván Espinoza , J. A. (2020). Tourism development through photographic reports: The empowering image. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 2(8), 17-28. Retrieved from


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