Importance of Digital Marketing in Electronic Commerce

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Luis Barzola
Jimmy Jara
Pedro Aviles


Companies interested in entering e-commerce have at their disposal a variety of tools that must be combined in a joint marketing action. The purpose of digital marketing in e-commerce must begin at the planning stage of the virtual store. There are four basic areas of digital marketing tools for electronic commerce: search marketing (SEM) refers to the use of sponsored link programs, such as Google Ad Words and SEO processes; display marketing is the strategy used to display banners on blogs and portals through the network; Relational marketing is the link in social networks such as facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest and content marketing: it is the creation of quality content for publication in a blog or website. The advantages that are managed in virtual businesses are the globalized market expansion that is achieved, and the speed with which businesses are managed, the use of new technologies and their innovation has created changes that have improved communication with the customer and the company When setting up a digital marketing project in the company, the following phases should be considered: strategic marketing, marketing mix, marketing plan and control phase. Some of the benefits of applying marketing: knowing the consumer better, distinguishing our brand from the competition, identifying opportunities, quickly detecting opportunities that allow us to grow and reach new markets, among others. The methodology used is descriptive, with a documentary approach that is, reviewing sources available on the web, such as google scholar, with timely and relevant content from the scientific and updated point of view that enriches the analysis of the topic raised in this article.


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How to Cite
Barzola , L., Jara , J., & Aviles , P. (2019). Importance of Digital Marketing in Electronic Commerce. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 1(3), 24-33. Retrieved from


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