About The Journal

E-IDEA is a space that aims to promote and disseminate the research work of professionals and experts in the business area and from a multidisciplinary perspective. Our journal  is aimed at researchers, professors, and the public interested in understanding this phenomenon. We have a quarterly frequency and publish in the first half of the months of January, April, July and October.

Our mission is to solve problems in the academic and scientific field through the production in each area of ​​knowledge, with the purpose of intellectual development of students, teachers and / or authorities in the third and fourth levels of education. E-IDEA as part of the knowledge society, is a reference research center in the various areas of knowledge. Through the innovation, quality and scientific validity of its products.

E-IDEA and its articles are indexed, deposited and registered in various sources, repositories and databases in order to promote and give greater visibility to its contents.

Vol. 4 No. 18 (2022): Aporte desde el Seminario Doctoral: Teorías, modelos y estrategias de desarrollo en América Latina y El Caribe. Períodos presidenciales

Palabras del Editor

La comprensión de la realidad y el protagonismo que vuelve asumir la Academia, apunta siempre, a la producción científica–académica. Presento la publicación, el cual, en su Volumen y Número, hace notorio al público, las 5 investigaciones resultantes del Seminario Doctoral "Teorías, modelos y estrategias de desarrollo en América Latina y El Caribe. Períodos presidenciales" del Doctorado en Ciencias Economicas de la Facultad Ciencias Economicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Zulia, cuyo seminario fue dirigido por la docente Dra. Elita Luisa Rincón Castillo.
Esperando que la contribución de sus autores sea significativa para todos los lectores e investigadores.

Published: 2022-10-31

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