Do Millennials have attitudes and skills for socialization?

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Christian Sergio Arias Vásquez
Christian Darío Arias Toscano


Each individual handles the situations that arise in life in different ways, this is given by a series of characteristics that the human being has, either acquired during their development, or specific to the individual in terms of their personality. There are various theories that try to define how the individual behaves in a situation and there are many ideas raised to know the background of this situation. The general objective of this research is to analyze the attitudes or socialization skills that millennials possess. The methodology used uses documentary and bibliographic research. The results were based on knowing the definition and characteristics of millennials, such as their learning process, their interaction with technology, job aspirations and their social behavior. In conclusion, it can be mentioned that millennials have characteristics and abilities that are markedly different from their previous generations, however, not everything is negative, since most of them try to break with stereotypes embedded by these other generations, and wanting to break these paradigms, way of acting, thinking and developing are notorious and different. The so-called “Y” generation has evolved as technology and this changing world do, at political, economic and social levels, although it is true that their communication skills with other people directly and not through a Phone screen is not the most accepted by some groups of people who do not belong to this generation, this type of interaction has made them more open to accept different cultures and thoughts, without being so prejudiced.


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How to Cite
Arias Vásquez , C. S., & Arias Toscano , C. D. (2021). Do Millennials have attitudes and skills for socialization?. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(9), 25-35.


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