Absenteeism from work in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, grounds for dismissal?

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Carlos Alejandro Zurita Castro
Blanca Ximena Villavicencio Morejón


The Covid 19 virus is a respiratory syndrome, it is a deadly pathogen as it has been in public and notorious evidence, this virus originating from the city of Wuhan, China has spread with great speed throughout the planet causing changes in patterns of the Human behavior, due to these changes, the world has had to adapt to a new reality and a new way of developing, among these changes is the way in which economic activity has had to develop in order to survive, this has resulted in that methods and systems are incorporated into the world of work that can help in some way that working life is carried out without exposing workers to the disease in question. The general objective of this research is to expose about labor relations in several countries in South America, the measures adopted by different governments in labor matters as well as about absenteeism that has just been implemented in one of them and the telecommuting, which is a way to combat absenteeism. The methodology used for the development of the following teaching material was purely documentary and bibliographic. As for the results, they were based on the analysis of the ways in which several countries in the region have handled the Covid 19 pandemic in labor matters as well as on how absenteeism is allowed in certain sectors of the population and understand in what does remote work consist of? As a conclusion, it is possible to denote the little protection that the governments and labor laws of several countries in the region have offered to their workers.


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How to Cite
Zurita Castro , C. A., & Villavicencio Morejón , B. X. (2021). Absenteeism from work in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, grounds for dismissal?. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(9), 13-24. https://doi.org/10.53734/eidea.vol3.id73


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