El Liderazgo en la Administracion de Empresas

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Gregorio Rigoberto Palma Macías
María Fernanda Mendoza Saltos


This research aims to provide an overview of leadership considerations in an organizational context, and its intrinsic link with business administration. Through a bibliographic documentary type research, in which different types of sources, scientific articles, books, degree works, among others, that provide conceptualizations that help to know and define the different aspects of the research and that could give a vision were reviewed. general of the subject in question, it was possible to know that leadership is an important and very useful quality to achieve the successful completion of the objectives that are proposed in a certain organization, in the same way it is understood that the application of the tools provided by the administration To direct companies or organizations are fundamental pieces so that business plans and goals are achieved, this together with the effective leadership that managers or managers of companies achieve are the gear that will lead organizations to constant financial evolution and will maintain sustainability of its processes, through work plans consistent with current market quality and in tune with the demands of the competition.


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How to Cite
Palma Macías , G. R., & Mendoza Saltos , M. F. (2021). El Liderazgo en la Administracion de Empresas. E-IDEA Journal of Business Sciences, 3(12), 14-23. https://doi.org/10.53734/eidea.vol3.id100


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